Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hey this is a good cereal actually

Honey Bunches of Oats has a new cereal! I know it's new because it says so in huge letters. It's called "MORNING ENERGY" and it has chocolate bars in it. Tiny chocolate bars. This has been your cereal PSA. I didn't really think it through so I have nothing else to add. Just eat it.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The cure for all that ails you

When it comes down to it, few people ever really change. They just learn to cope with the particular combination of neuroses that well up from their corner of our shared spring of existential anxieties. Sometimes, plain yogurt with blueberries and raw almonds can help.

I'm kind of feeling Grant Morrison's vibe right now with the cheesy music and everything:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Purslane for breakfast

Warning: This is an educational post!

When I woke up, I decided to cook up some eggs with chard and purslane. Then I threw in some rosemary and Italian parsley from my herb garden out back. I took one whiff of the finished product and decided I had to post. Then I took a bite and followed through.

The video above is a brief introduction to purslane, my new favorite plant. I'd forgotten about it, quite honestly, until I found it growing everywhere in my garden. I had a nagging suspicion I'd seen it (and eaten it) before, so I weeded around it and took some home for identification. Then I remembered: I once spent an afternoon replanting the little bugger all over a raised garden bed surrounding a British retiree's personal labyrinth.

Despite the memory, I'm a bit risk-averse, and found myself hesitant to munch on what I vaguely remembered as an old friend. I wanted to make sure I wasn't about to die eating a look-a-like. Luckily, purslane's evil twin is pretty easy to identify, since it oozes a toxic white goo out of its stems when broken (see video below).


Long story short, I had picked right. I threw some in my dinner a few days ago, and haven't looked back. I even gathered the purslane from around my garden and created an area just for it -- though I'm sure it will spread, I look forward to the takeover.

But this blog is about breakfast. So here is a traditional Mexican purslane-and-eggs recipe: Verdolago con Huevos. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Unholy sprouted quinoa

The cult of sprouts has sucked me back in. Multigrain hot cereal with sprouted quinoa, raw ("raw"?) almonds, and raisins. Cinnamon and brown sugar helped to make it palatable but digestion is going to be... brutal.

Monday, May 20, 2013


A lone organic raisin floats in a sea of grain mush and cinnamon. Some slimy almonds look on in silance.
Today's mush.

Last night I soaked almonds and raisins to soften them for the morning. About five years ago, I soaked almonds for the first time. I left them outside my dorm window to dry. I woke to a garrulous murder of crows crowding the roof of the loggia. They returned every day for a long time, but were infinitely better than the rodent they preceded.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

i ate some friggin cheerios

I live with my ex! He ate my Cheerios thinking they were his! It's okay! Really!

I had the "throwback" Cheerios. They are the same Cheerios. They have a different box.

That thing next to my cereal is a ticket to see Anvil tonight at a terrible venue that almost broke my kneecap. The soundguy must be deaf because he turns up the kick drum and nothing else. I did not pay for the ticket.

This post is stupid. See you later, suckers.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I ate grits for breakfast a few days ago. There was a rock involved. I have not eaten breakfast since.